Sabbatical 2012

Sally received a Fulbright Fellowship to teach and conduct research in Iceland for 5 months starting in January 2012. Luckily, Shan, Alex (age 12), Joslyn (age 9) and Spencer (age 5) can accompany her on this adventure. This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with the trials and tribulations of our escapades in Europe.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 205-last swim in Borgarnes

Stressing over the blog.
   July 27-Sally took the kids to Borgarnes to swim with Kristín, Imba, and Daníel and then went out to the wool museum/shop at Hvanneyri to buy some more woolen products.  Meanwhile, I spent the day getting caught up on the blog.  This activity has become very tiresome and has sucked time from me that I could have spent doing other things.  I will certainly not be blogging once this adventure is behind us!  However, I stuck with it over here because I know that there are some friends and family who are using it to keep up with us.  Also, we intend to print all of this out and bind it to make a scrapbook of our adventures in Iceland.  So, I hope that everyone who has followed along in our travels has enjoyed the blog posts and I hope that we (and the kids in particular) enjoy this chronicle of our time in Iceland whenever we get the opportunity to peruse it in the future.
   When Sally and the kids returned, we headed over to Pálmar and Emma’s for supper.  They had also invited over their friends Eva and Kjartan.  They live in Sjórnarhóll as well, and we have seen them around and talked to them some.  Their two kids attended Hraunborg as well, so they got to know me while I taught them English.  Their daughter, Guðrún, took a particular interest in me and would always call out to me when she saw me walking on campus.  This was our first chance to do much with their family socially, and we had a nice evening with them and Emma and Pálmar.
   Eva is taking her family on an adventure that will put our family’s to shame.  She has received a scholarship to study for a year in Japan, so the whole family will fly away East come September.  We certainly respect her resolve and determination and wish them the best.  As we left their house, we agreed with Emma that we were not yet ready to say good-bye, so we decided that we would need to see each other at some point again over the two days we have left.
The view of Grábrók and the Bifröst campus from our apartment at 1:30 in the morning.
The clouds are probably noctilucent clouds that are some 45 miles above us.

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