Sabbatical 2012

Sally received a Fulbright Fellowship to teach and conduct research in Iceland for 5 months starting in January 2012. Luckily, Shan, Alex (age 12), Joslyn (age 9) and Spencer (age 5) can accompany her on this adventure. This blog will allow family and friends to keep up with the trials and tribulations of our escapades in Europe.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 51-Signý and Magnús move to Borgarnes

   February 24-Today was mostly a typical Friday.  The girls came home an hour earlier, which is typical for Mondays and Fridays.  Sally and I went to the Icelandic culture and language course, where we learned more about verb conjugation and noun declension.  Wow,
is it complex!  There is no way we are going to get all of this figured out before we leave Iceland.  My goal now is simply to be able to figure out the root words when reading Icelandic,
so I can get some idea about the information contained in the writing.  I don't think that we have any chance of learning how to understand much of anything we hear in Icelandic.  That's
too bad, but it is good to have realistic expectations.
   Right after class got out, Sally and I headed over to Signý and Magnús's house on campus.
We had seen Magnús on Wednesday and he told us they had just gotten the good news that
their home loan had been approved, so they were the proud owners of a house in Borgarnes!  This was a tremendous relief for them, because they had kept being told, "we will know tomorrow," for the past couple of weeks.  So, we offered to help him move and today he took us up on that offer. 
   It looked a lot like any other move with which we have been involved in America.  The moving truck backed up to the house and a horde of people started randomly taking stuff out to it and then sitting around and waiting, while the few people who could fit into the back of the truck tried to pack everything in as efficiently and sensibly as possible.  Incidentally, Signý managed to miss the move, because she is in Finland at a conference.  However, she spent the past few weeks packing up the house, trying to convince herself that the purchase would go through.  She is due to come back over the weekend, so she can help unpack everything as well.  Since those are the two worst jobs in a move, she did not really get out of anything by being gone today.
   Since the new house is down in Borgarnes, their stuff didn't have to travel far.  I hope everything made it down there safely, although there were some packing decisions that were made that seemed to ask for trouble.  We will have to wait until we see Signý or Magnús at some point in the future to find out, though, because Magnús said that a number of colleagues who lived in Borgarnes were coming over to help unload, so we did not need to drive down to help.  So, we came back home and had a relaxing evening with the kids.

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